Course Details

Business Email Writing Course

Email writing is an important skill for working professionals like you. In this course, we will teach you how to write an effective email with a powerful subject line, proper email etiquette, and the correct tools and technique for a corporate email that will get the quickest response and leave a positive impression of you and the company.

Who is this for, exactly? / Who can join this course

Corporate professionals.
Company’s CEO / Directors.
Managers / Senior executives.
MBA Students.
Doctors/ Engineer/ CAs/ Lawyers.
Management employees.
Course Objective

How to write effective subject lines.
Corporate email etiquette.
Create emails that are both meaningful and striking.
Create visually striking emails for your readers.
Correct your grammar and spelling with the appropriate tools.
Course Contents

 Email Etiquette: Learn proper email etiquette, such as who to send “to,” “cc,” “bcc,” and so on. How to use your writing talents to inspire, inform, applaud, and announce new projects.

Email writing exercise: Real-world email writing practice sessions, along with detailed corrections from trained professionals, can help you produce emails that wow your bosses and colleagues.

Email writing techniques: Learn the fundamentals of professional email writing, including email ethics, how to write effective subject lines, and salutations, writing correct grammar, key points, charts, and tables, and how to start and end an email.

Vocabulary: Master 500+ business English words and phrases to use in daily conversation. The phrases that senior professionals are using in meetings, presentations, and conference calls have been selected for you. We’ve designed a 500-word vocabulary workbook for you, in which you’ll learn 10 new vocabulary every day by constructing phrases.

Grammar Practice: Improve the Grammar Foundation. This eliminates all of your grammatical errors with interesting grammar sessions and activities such as games and quizzes. Learn all the 12 tenses, prepositions, articles, word order, and so on.
What will you achieve?

Understand the basic concept of email communication.
Develop the skill of professional email writing etiquette.
Communicate your point by using appropriate vocabulary and words.
Enhance the efficiency and speed of your email messages.
Build a relationship with your virtual email contacts.
Why Ascend?

Corporate professional trainer.
Practical methods of training.
Weekend batches.
Personal attention.
Structured course.
Immediate feedback.
Online & offline training.

Paid Course


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an email drafting course and what will I learn?

An email drafting course trains how to write effective emails for professional or personal communication. In an email drafting course, you may learn about topics such as email etiquette, formatting, structure, tone, and language, as well as strategies for crafting clear and concise messages that get results.

Who should take an email drafting course?

An email drafting course can be useful for anyone who uses email as a primary form of communication, including professionals, business owners, students, and others. It can be especially helpful for individuals who want to improve their email writing skills or who want to learn how to write more effective and persuasive emails.

What is the difference between a formal email and a business email ?

Formal email writing is specifically focused on training individuals on how to write effective emails, while a business writing course may cover a wider range of written communication skills, such as writing business letters, memos, reports, and other professional documents.

Can an email writing course help with my email etiquette?

Yes, an email writing course may cover topics related to email etiquette, such as how to address recipients, use subject lines, and sign off appropriately. It may also teach strategies for avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls when communicating via email.

Can an email writing course be taken online?

The cost of an email writing course can vary depending on the specific duration of the course. Ascend English Speaking Institute offers great discounts to working professionals and courses at affordable prices.

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