Course Details

Business English Course

The Business English Course is designed for professionals such as CEOs and directors, corporate employees, management trainees, doctors, lawyers, engineers, senior executives, and so on. This course will improve your professional skills such as presentation, voice quality, corporate mail drafting, visual aids, and so on. This will enhance your business communication skills.

Who is this for, exactly? / Who can join this course?

Corporate professionals.
Company’s CEO / Directors.
Managers / Senior executives.
MBA Students.
Doctors/ Engineers/ CA’s/ Lawyers.

An individual who speaks fluent English, but wants to develop their corporate/ business skills are ideal for Business English Course.
Course Objective

Learn to write a report in the most professional manner possible.
Create emails that are both meaningful and striking.
Deliver strong and effective presentations.
Learn business/corporate etiquette in a corporate atmosphere.
Communicate confidently and clearly with your colleagues, seniors, and oversea clients.
Course Contents

Business English Vocabulary: Master 500+ business English words and phrases to use in daily conversation. The phrases that senior professionals are using in meetings, presentations, and conference calls have been selected for you. We’ve designed a 500-word vocabulary workbook for you, in which you’ll learn 10 new vocabulary every day by constructing phrases.

Corporate Etiquettes: Learn how to exchange business cards appropriately, multiple kinds of handshakes, appropriate body language, corporate mannerisms, culture awareness, and business conference etiquette. This training can help you present with a more professional appearance in the workplace.

Business Email Drafting: Learn the fundamentals of professional email writing, including email ethics, how to write effective subject lines, and salutations, writing correct grammar, key points, charts, and tables, and how to start and end an email. Real-world email writing practice sessions, along with detailed corrections from trained professionals, can help you produce emails that wow your bosses and colleagues.

Voice Modulation Techniques: To develop a professional-sounding voice, work on your voice pitch, pace, pause, and modulation. The engaging voice modulation activities will assist you to do effective communication in English. Also, any influence of your mother tongue will be completely removed from your spoken English. In person or when visiting another country, speak English in such a way that any international person may recognize your voice.

Effective Presentation: Deliver 20 presentations over the training program and receive feedback on several factors of effective presentation, such as presentation structure, introduction – body, and closing, use of relevant examples and case studies, body language, facial expressions, voice quality, and assertiveness. After each presentation, the trainers will provide you with personalized feedback, recommendations, and solutions for areas where you should improve. These sessions will ensure that you develop the skill of giving powerful presentations with confidence.

Visual Aids: Learn how to use the latest visual aids, such as flipcharts, projectors, slides, and whiteboard, to enhance your presentation’s message. Learn how to use visual aids to impact your audience by situating them.

Conduct Interview: Hire the greatest talent in the shortest amount of time. You’ll learn about the pre-employment process, interview questions, candidate analysis, and the closing of the position. Add in the fact that you’ll be performing five to ten mock interviews, followed by an assessment of your interviewing abilities.
What will you achieve?

Having a strong command of both verbal and nonverbal communication.
Proven ability in all forms of written conversation.
Using the correct voice modulation techniques to express your opinions.
Learn how to effectively use business vocabulary and pronounce it correctly.
Become a professional by improving your communication skills and presentation abilities.
Why Ascend?

Corporate professional trainer.
Practical methods of training.
Weekend batches.
Personal attention.
Structured course.
Online & Offline training.

Paid Course


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Business English course?

A Business English course that focuses on English language skills specifically for use in a business setting. These courses may cover topics such as business vocabulary, communication strategies, presentation skills, and cross-cultural communication.

Who should take a Business English course?

A Business English course is suitable for anyone who needs to use English in a professional context, such as for business communication, presentations, negotiations, or international business travel. These courses are often taken by people who speak English as a second language, but they can also be useful for native speakers who want to improve their business communication skills.

What are the benefits of taking a Business English course?
  1. Improved Business communication skills: A Business English course can help you communicate more effectively in a professional setting, whether you are giving presentations, negotiating deals, or writing emails.
  2. Enhanced career opportunities: Many jobs require at least basic English language skills, and being proficient in Business English can give you a competitive edge in the job market.
  3. Increased confidence: Learning Business English can help you feel more confident when speaking in a professional setting. This can help you make a good impression on colleagues and clients.
  4. Increased cultural understanding: English is the language of business in many countries, and learning to speak it in a business context can help you connect with colleagues and clients from different cultures and countries.
  5. Personal enrichment: Improving your Business English skills can be a rewarding personal accomplishment and can open up new opportunities for professional development and advancement.
  6. Improved understanding of cultural differences: Business English training can help you understand the nuances of different cultures and how to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds.
What is the duration of the Business English course?

One-on-one training in Business English may last 35 hours and consist of an hour every day from Monday through Friday, an hour on alternate days, or training on the weekends. Days and timings can change depending on the individual’s schedule.

Can I modify or add more content to the Business English Course?

This course is designed for Business Professionals, and the majority of its contents meet their needs.

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