Course Details

Interview Training Course

Ascends Interview Skills Training ensures that the learning process is simple, efficient, and effective. Mock interviews, interview questions, and self-presentation are all part of the process. This will help you get your dream job.

Who is this for, exactly? / Who can join this course

Job seekers.
Professionals who are looking for new opportunities.

Course Objective

Confidently perform in interviews.
 Create a professional and appealing CV to get the employer’s attention.
Practice interviews to measure your abilities.
Crack interview round in repudiate companies.

Course Contents

Vocabulary Master 500+ business English words and phrases to use in daily conversation. The phrases that senior professionals are using in meetings, presentations, and conference calls have been selected for you.  We’ve designed a 500-word vocabulary workbook just for you, in which you’ll learn 10 new vocabulary by constructing phrases.

7c’s of communication To improve your communication abilities, learn, practice, and master the seven principles of effective speaking and writing communication. Clarity, correctness, and conciseness are the first three principles.

Use of visual aids Learn how to use the latest visual aids, such as flipcharts, projectors, slides, and whiteboard, to enhance your presentation’s message. Learn how to use visual aids to impact your audience by situating them.

Effective presentation skills Deliver 20 presentations over the training program and receive feedback on several factors of effective presentation, such as presentation structure, introduction – body, closing, use of relevant examples and case studies, body language, facial expressions, voice quality, and assertiveness. After each presentation, the trainers will provide you with personalized feedback, recommendations, and solutions for areas where you may improve. These sessions will ensure that you develop the skill of giving powerful presentations with confidence.

Social Etiquette Know how you perform in social situations, including interactions with family, friends, co-workers, and strangers. Others’ opinions and behavior toward you are influenced by social etiquette.

10+ Mock Sessions A mock interview would be conducted during this session, with feedback and corrections given to each of your responses.

What will you achieve?

Get a complete view of your attitude and interpersonal abilities.
To encounter interviews with confidence, get a better knowledge of your qualities, skills, and key selling points.
Improve your knowledge of several types of interviews, including phone and video interviews, as well as how to handle and tackle them.
Increase your chances of securing your dream job.
 Become a professional by improving your communication and presentation abilities.

Why Ascend?

Corporate professional trainer.
Practical methods of training.
Weekend batches.
Personal attention.
Structured course.
Online & offline training

Paid Course


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is interview training?

Interview training is a type of educational program that helps people prepare for job interviews. These programs may include lessons on how to answer common interview questions, how to make a good impression, and how to handle challenging situations during the interview process.

Who should take interview training?

Interview training can be helpful for anyone who is looking for a new job or who is preparing for an important job interview. These courses are often taken by people who are new to the job market or who have limited experience with interviews, but they can also be useful for experienced professionals who want to refresh their skills or prepare for a competitive job market.

What are the benefits of taking interview training?
  1. Improved interview skills: An interview training course can help you feel more confident and prepared for your upcoming job interview.
  2. Enhanced career opportunities: By learning how to effectively communicate your skills and qualifications during an interview, you may be more likely to secure a job offer.
  3. Increased self-awareness: Interview training can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, which can be useful for personal and professional development.
  4. Personal enrichment: Improving your interview skills can be a rewarding personal accomplishment and can open up new opportunities for career advancement.
Can I attend interview skills training online ?

Yes, you can take an offline or online course on interview skills. There is no difference between offline and online classroom training. The training approach and course content are similar for both pieces of training.

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