Course Details

Personality Development Course

This training is suitable for those who know English but have difficulty connecting with others and wish to strengthen their personalities to appear more confident. Personal grooming, body language training, voice modulation, an impressive attitude, behavioral suggestions, and interpersonal skills are all covered in this course.

Who is this for, exactly? / Who can join this course

Working professionals.
School/College students.
Government Employees.
Business professionals.
Job seekers.

This is a perfect course for those who understand the basics of the English language and want to strengthen their personality so that they can confidently connect with others.
Course Objective

Develop a positive personality.
Improve your body language to communicate effectively.
Strengthen your voice quality.
Learn how to change your attitude and how to interact with others.
Develop an assertive and impressive. attitude.
Course Contents

Personal Grooming- Learn the dos and don’ts of grooming your personality, including proper attire, the value of accessories, appropriate color combinations for outfits, grooming, and hygiene habits, and the difference between formal, party, and casual wear. This course will help you groom your personality.

Personality enhancement- understand the qualities of a well-developed personality. You will engage in intensive personality exercises that will dramatically transform the way you dress, communicate, and present yourself in English, transforming you into a confident person.

Social and call etiquette- learn the rules of phone and social etiquette Understand how you act in social situations, such as, with family, friends, co-workers, and strangers.

Powerful body language- Enhance your body language. Learn the correct body posture and gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions when speaking in public or delivering presentations. Allow the trainer to correct your body language errors and teach you the correct movements, postures, facial expressions, body posture, and gestures for public speaking, presentations, and interviews.

Attire Prepare for an important meeting, interview, or presentation by knowing what to wear. Learn the differences between men’s and women’s dress codes. Attire lessons can help you make the best first impression in your social and business groups.
What you will gain?

Get a complete view of your attitude and interpersonal abilities.
Learn how to make small talk by establishing positive relationships with people of all ages.
Develop abilities to evaluate one’s personality and understand personal qualities.
Increased confidence and morale, as well as improved communication clarity.
Discover the various personality development dynamics.
Why Ascend?

Corporate professional trainer.
Practical methods of training.
Weekend batches.
Personal attention.
Structured course.
Online & offline training

Paid Course


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a personality development course and what will I learn?

A personality development course helps an individual improve their communication skills, confidence, self-awareness, and other personal qualities that can impact their success in various aspects of life. In a personality development course, you may learn about topics such as effective communication, problem-solving, time management, leadership, goal-setting, and more.

Who should take a personality development course?

A personality development course can be beneficial for anyone who is looking to improve their personal and professional skills. It can be especially useful for people who are seeking to advance their careers, develop their leadership abilities, or increase their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Is a personality development course worth the investment?

The value of a personality development course will depend on your individual goals and needs. If you are looking to improve your personal and professional skills and believe that the course will provide you with the tools and knowledge to do so, it may be worth the investment. However, it is important to do your research and carefully consider the costs and potential benefits before enrolling in a course.

What is the difference between personality development and professional development?

Personality development focuses on improving personal qualities and skills that can impact an individual’s success in various aspects of life, including their personal and professional relationships. Professional development, on the other hand, tends to focus specifically on skills and knowledge that can help an individual advance their career or do their job more effectively.

Can personality development courses be taken online?

Yes, Ascend English Speaking also offers personality development courses online. These courses can be self-paced or have structured schedules with set meeting times, and one-to-one live video lectures, readings, exercises, and other interactive elements.

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